
The article analyzes the experience of foreign countries in ensuring personnel security in the public administration system. However, abroad, personnel security is not considered as the basis for the formation of an effective public service system. At the same time, there are personnel procedures and mechanisms that ensure the protection of the public administration system from unprofessional, dishonest employees, at the same time there is a whole set of procedures for personnel development and improvement. The institution that provides personnel security in the US public service is the Bureau of Civil Service Personnel Management, which is tasked with ensuring the centralization and coordination of personnel work in the administration of public administration. The competence of the Bureau includes the appointment of employees to positions and their promotion, evaluation of their work, training, promotion and punishment, development of recommendations for improving staffing. For most American officials, promotion is based on the principle of the merit system - the selection of the best candidates for promotion in competitive exams, as well as on the basis of an annual assessment of their performance. In the very center of personnel security of public administration in France is the principle of distinction between rank and type of work. For the development of professionalism, the civil service provides for the development of mobility among civil servants. In order to introduce elements of comparison between different tasks (different types of work) and help to organize a real career growth based on the capitalization of different professional experiences enriched with mobility, as well as continuous training, it is necessary to create a system of interconnection. This is what in France is called a "grid" of qualifications and awards. Personnel security of the Spanish public administration system is organized on the principle of the so-called career or closed system, the main feature of which is the recruitment of staff to public authorities (announcements and administrative processes) for a separate position at the basic level, within which career advancement is possible. promotion) and salary increase.

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