
ABSTRACT Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control System(NPP I&C) which is used to operate safely is changing from analog technology to digital technology. Ever since NPP Centrifuge of Iran Bushehr was shut down by Stuxnet attack in 2010, the possibility of cyber attacks against the NPP has been increasin g. However, the domestic and international regulatory guideline s that was published to strengthen the cyber security of the NPP I&C describes security requirements and method s to establish policies and procedures. These guidelines are not appropriate for the development of real applicable cyber security technology . Therefore, specialized cyber security technologies for the NPP I&C need to be developed to enhance the security of nuclear power plants. This paper proposes a cyber security technology d evelopment system which is exclusively for the development of nuclear technology. Furthermore, this method has been applied t o the ESF-CCS developed by The KINCS R&D project.Keywords: CyberSecurity, Digital Instrumentation & Control System, Logic al, Logical Architecture, Threat접수일(2013년 11월 19일), 수정일(2014년 4월 3일), 게재확정일(2014년 4월 16일)* 본 연구는 2013년도 산업통상자원부의 재원으로 한국에너지기술평가원(KETEP)의 지원을 받아 수행한 연구과제입니다. (No. 20121510100030)

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