
초록·키워드 목차 오류제보하기 This paper presents a method of lexicon building for sentiment analysis using book review data. We show how to build sentiment lexicons automatically using book review data that includes readers" evaluation scores, basic positive and negative sentiment word lists using a semantic orientation measure, and sentiment word lists using Word2Vec. Specifically, we show how to automatically generate a useful lexicon of adjectives and adverbs for sentiment analysis. In summary, the process we describe is as follows: Basic word lists of positive and negative sentiments are created by relating word frequencies with reader"s book review scores. The expanded word lists are then built using the vector space representation of words and their cosine distance. This is made possible by assuming that words of similar sentiment and semantically co-related words will tend to appear together in the same context, and that they are represented proximately in the vector space. #감성분석(sentiment analysis) #웹 수집(web scraping) #리뷰 말뭉치(review corpus) #의미적 지향성(Semantic Orientation) #워드투벡(Word2Vec) 1. 머리말2. 관련 연구3. 연구 내용4. 요약 및 결론참고문헌

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