
The article focuses on the issues of physical training of cadets – future employees of the National Police of Ukraine. The aim of the article is to determine the appropriateness of the use of elements of using elements of fitness (TRX functional loops) to increase the level of physical activity and improve the process of physical training of future law enforcement officers of the National Police of Ukraine. That is why training sessions with the help of functional loops provide advantages over the traditional form of training for the development of strength endurance of future law enforcement officers. The TRX program is associated with the concept of «functional training». The principle of functional training is to promote the development of those who are engaged in the ability to use rationally and effectively their physical abilities to solve specific motor problems by mastering motor stereotypes of a particular activity. The main emphasis in functional training is on the ability to perform movements with optimal amplitude in conditions that are constantly changing, due to the influence of external forces affect the body at the time of changing its position. The program of physical training classes for cadets with the help of functional loops TRX includes a significant arsenal of basic exercises and almost unlimited number of modifications and combinations and provides the opportunity to choose the necessary movements based on tasks for each lesson and level of physical fitness. For the development of strength and power endurance are often used sets of exercises that involve the main muscle groups of cadets. It is proved that the inclusion in the curriculum of physical training of cadets the complexes of exercises with the help of functional loops TRX, firstly, increased their efficiency, made it possible to interest cadet youth in the joint motor activities, regular physical exercises, and secondly increased interest in individual classes.

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