
The paper gives the analysis of the translated empirical researches of early maladaptive schemas in foreign clinical practice over the past decade. The authors describe and analyze theoretical ideas of formation of early maladaptive schemas of a person with mental disorders. The high research interest of foreign authors is identified that shows the applicability of an early maladaptive schemas construct abroad when studying and working with the personality disorders, neurotic disorders, affective disorders and behavioral disorders coming from physiological disturbances, and the substance-induced disorders. The research allows saying that the early maladaptive schemas are formed as a result of early mental trauma caused by various types of ill treatment, emotional deprivation, violence and dysfunctional type of education and as a result of dissatisfaction of basic mental requirements: in love, acceptance, safety, and autonomy. The authors detected the efficiency of therapy schemes in work with maladaptive schemas when having the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, personality border psychic disorders, narcissistic personality disorders, personality panic disorders, personality affective disorders, personality depressive symptomatology, and the disorders induced by the chemical forms of addiction. The analysis and synthesis of the studies considered allow making the scientific-based suggestion about the efficiency of schema therapy when working with the personality disorders, personality affective disorders, and the substance-induced disorders and allows speaking about the relevance of further study and application of J. Young’s schema therapy in domestic practice.

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