
Standard treatment for patients with diseases of the hip joint, accompanied by pain and restriction of movements, is joint replacement , which can significantly improve the quality of life of patients in this category were The object of the study, 120 pa-tients with coxarthrosis of both sexes aged 49-80 years who were on the surgical treatment in the Tula Oblast hospital in 2012, 2013. Analyzing the results obtained , we have identified some features of post-operative pain in response to the prosthetic hip joint. Pain impulses by VAS score of 4-7 patients after surgery under general endotracheal anesthesia , appeared after 20-40 minutes, and after epidural anesthesia and mixed for 20-50 minutes later. And the more pronounced these figures were in patients after surgery under general endotracheal anesthesia, and the temperature and oxygen saturation were significantly lower on the operated leg: the difference with the indicators on health reached 1-1.2 C0 and 1.5-2% respectively.

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