
Ukrainian railway transport makes significant impact on the economy of Ukraine (56,1% of freight turnover and 27,4% of passenger traffic in 2018), as well as on such important components of its national security as economic security, political security, social security, military security and others. JSC «Ukrainian Railways» includes 6 regional affiliates (Southern Railway, Lviv railway and others), which are not legal entities, but have their own management systems and resourses.The scheme of the economic security system for a regional affiliate of JSC «Ukrainian Railways» is developed in the paper (according to the black box model). Its inputs are: Threats to the economic security of JSC «Ukrainian Railways» (external and internal); Resources for economic security provision (personnel, financial, material, informational, etc). Its outputs are: an acceptable level of economic security of a regional affiliate (not lower than 0,80); sustainable development of a regional affiliate. Inside subsystems are named after 7 functional components of economic security provision: financial; intellectual and personnel; technical and technological; political and legal; informational; ecological; power.The control subsystem of the scheme of the economic security system must include: a unit of diagnostics of level of economic security; a threat monitoring unit; a unit of organization, planning, motivation and control. The functions of the units are described in the paper. It is also revealed what functional components of the economic security of JSC UZ and its affiliates are affected by major internal threats. The main internal threats are corruption, unprofessional leadership, the loss of skilled workers, the progressive depreciation of fixed assets and the distortion of reporting.The calculations of the level of economic security of the regional affiliate «Southern Railway» in 2014 - 2018 are performed and the reasons for being it in the risk zone are revealed. They are: low labour productivity, reduction of current liquidity and productivity of locomotive, low productivity of carriage, deepening of unprofitableness of activity of the railway (rate of return dropped to -27,4%).

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