
This study aims to explore how to fashion youth’s body-identity whole and well in the visual society. It is a significant developmental task for the youth to adapt to radical growth and then to form an in-dividual body identity. But this makes the youth feel hard in many aspects. Since this society had detached from the traditions, in-dividual body has been recognizing a confirmed foundation to build individual identity by most of people. And more, visual culture and sexuality in part of eroticism in the media-consumer society drives the youth to display their body as an idealistic model on SNS. Because of these, forming a body-identity is the most challenging task for the youth, as comparing with the past’s thing. Media-consumer’s visual society has an unrealistic expectation, and it enforces youths to make their body artificially, whatever it comes out good or bad results. These request Christian Education to research an interpretation for the human body and stimulate to suggest a very qualified education the youth to form youth’s proper body-identity in this society. Christian 64 theology affected by a dualism of the Gnosticism and Idealism has been conflicted with a monism of the Natural science. In the mean-time, a body of human has been controlled not by both of two oppo-site sides but by the media-consumer’s visual society. If the youth fol-low an idealism of the society, they would feel their body is always im-proper and dehumanized. Thus, this study suggests a philosophical human theory of Arnold Gehlen and evolution-theological human theory of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. They insist on respecting a cor-poral materiality, on cultivating an instinct of the body under the cul-ture-tradition, education, religion-and on growing through commu-nion with others and with the Christ. Based on investigating about studies for human body, this study discovered Christian Enculturation would fashion the youth’s body-identity by Christian rites. C Ellis Nelson addresses when people join in the repeated rites, they can form habit, identity and life style as receiving values, attitude, memory and behavior mood to the world. Many people just have ignored re-peated rites, worship and daily work’s forming and transforming power for the human desire. However, Christian rites-worship serv-ice, communion service, baptism and initiation-gives a view point in-dividuals to see their body as a personality-God’s Image. Therefore, this study, in order to achieve this purpose, suggests recovering cul-tural practice in a worship service for the youth. Using the body-lan-guage like as dance, gesture, facial expression, acting can vitalize the service. Jesus Christ’s sacrificed body makes the youth to discard their narcissistic control for their body and persuades them to connect to others and to God through the way of sense, emotion and imagination. This study takes such this issue into account based on literature and empirical researches. Although this study has disadvantages, it could encourage study how to fashion God’s people and how to form and transform diverse worship service for the youth.

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