
Introduction. Arterial hypertension should be considered as a heterogeneous disease, the development of which is based on the interaction of genetic, epigenetic, metabolic and environmental factors. Mistakes in epigenetic mechanisms can lead to the development of arterial hypertension. Therefore, at present, the attention of many specialists is riveted to the study of epigenetic factors. Aim. Тo analyze the results of modern research on the problem of epigenetic factors influencing the development of hypertension. Material and methods. Review of publications on genetic and epigenetic factors influencing the development of hypertension was carried out. Results and discussion. The main epigenetic mechanisms are deoxyribonucleic acid methylation, histone configuration, non-coding ribonucleic acid, and the spatial organization of genetic material in the nucleus. Currently, there is more and more evidence that epigenetic factors are involved in changing the phenotype of the vascular endothelium in response to environmental factors. Specific modifications of histones can control the expression of endothelial NO-synthetase, disturbances in the production of nitric oxide lead to the predominance of vasoconstriction and an increase in blood pressure. Data have been obtained that histone modifications are able to modulate gene expression in vascular smooth muscle cells, which leads to an increase in total peripheral vascular resistance, which is also one of the mechanisms for the development of arterial hypertension. Conclusion. Epigenetic factors also influence the development of arterial hypertension along with genetic, metabolic, electrolyte, and environmental factors. This is important for identifying biological markers for the development of this disease and targets for its pharmacotherapy.

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