
The article discusses the current problems of modern digital transformation and its refraction in the prism of socio-cultural reality, analyzes various aspects of human interaction and artificial intelligence. It is substantiated that the advanced development of information and communication technologies and artificial intelligence de-termined the process of mankind’s entry into the post-anthropological era. The distinctive features of a person of the modern information age are his deep immersion and prolonged stay in the digital environment, active interaction with artificial intelligence. The main directions of interaction between humans and artificial intelli-gence are considered and a conclusion is made about the transformative effect of artificial intelligence on tra-ditional anthropological attributes. Conclusion dwells upon the fact that the result of such human-machine symbiotic interaction is the formation of a new type of subject, a significant part of whose life activity takes place in the global information space, preferring virtual communication, possessing new digital attributes and permanently in contact with artificial intelligence. The risks arising in relation to the development of super-powered systems based on the use of “digital intelligence” are outlined.

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