
The study is based on the current problem of improving state foreign trade policy. Based on the use of the method of generalization of statistical data (to describe and systematize the factors influencing foreign trade in order to identify trends in its development) and the method of structural analysis (to analyze the structure of foreign trade in terms of goods and geography). In recent years, there has been a proportional distribution of positions in the structure of exports and imports of goods. This characterizes the raw material orientation and food structure of exports, imported energy dependence and a high share of finished products (machinery, equipment, vehicles, etc.) in the structure of imports, which determines the problems in Ukraine's foreign trade policy. This indicates that today the export policy does not reflect the effective implementation of tasks and objectives to improve the economic development of the country through the formation of competitive export potential. A significant share of import operations in the country's foreign trade turnover requires a reorientation of domestic production and investment. In order to improve the state policy, it is proposed to identify the priority of highly efficient export industries, ensure the development of the environmental component of enterprises and provide support in the field of investment capital incentives to create value-added products. In addition, the development of state policy in the field of customs regulation requires expanding the geography of trade agreements with developing countries. One of the tasks of improving foreign trade policy should be to create a competitive environment in the domestic market and support exports through the use of political, legal, economic, institutional, information mechanisms. This will ensure Ukraine's participation in global value chains and will form a high level of the country's competitiveness in the international market of goods and services.

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