
The economic sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation in February 2022 had a significant impact on the activities of import-oriented enterprises. The foreign economic activity of Russian entrepreneurship has suddenly become more complicated for all its participants. There were difficulties with payments in foreign currency, supply failures, problems in logistics, and as a result, an increase in costs. The concept of unfriendly countries has appeared, and as a result, the need to find new counterparties from among countries friendly to Russia. In the conditions of economic instability, the state has taken a number of measures aimed at supporting Russian entrepreneurs, which has contributed to the support of Russian business and provided it with new prospects for development. The article analyzes the foreign trade activity of Russia with the leading countries in terms of trade volumes. Topical issues of partial legalization of parallel imports in terms of its legal content and the results of its impact on small and medium-sized businesses are considered. The article also highlights the results of research conducted by the cloud service “MoySklad” and the company H&F. The author’s conclusions based on the results of the study are made. The state, represented by President Vladimir Putin and the Government of the Russian Federation, has developed a number of effective measures to support business, including not only the legalization of parallel imports and the growth of trade and economic relations with friendly countries.

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