
The present paper is aimed to analyse some individual traditional and modern features of the linguistic thinking of the Ukrainian poet A. Kychinskyi. Among the specific tasks of the study are the identification of motives and circumstances of the formation of the poetic LPW, the definition of intimate lyrics, the analysis of techniques of authorial verification, innovative searches and achievements in the creation of phraseologies and metaphorical constructions. The features of the A. Kychinskyi's individual linguistic style are analyzed in accordance with the peculiarities of the spiritual perception by the poet of the surrounding reality, some innovative features of the author's verification are revealed, as well as the search and achievements in the creation of phraseological and metaphorical constructions. It is concluded that the poet of «two centuries» combines in the best way both the traditional features of the ethnic linguistic picture of the world, and innovative achievements in the conditions of rapid development of the world. A. Kychinskyi is a poet of «two centuries» not purely formally but as their representative, because of his active creative activity both in the conditions of the Soviet system and in the conditions of independent Ukraine with corresponding perceptual orientations and motives. In A. Kychinskyi's works both the traditional features of the ethnic linguistic picture of the world and innovative achievements in the conditions of fast-paced development of the world are best revealed and combined. Among the first are the metaphorical analyzes of the landscape description (including its visual and audio ones), the signs of intimate and sacral sensations and the poetic nature of its poetry. The landscape description, the visual and audio aspects are combined to create a generally expressive picture. Between the traditional and non-traditional thematic issues we can define the transcendental and the sacral, which is presented in the landscape descriptions of A. Kychinskyi. Among innovative there is the situational use of original techniques of versification and stylistic figures. The poetical experiments involve word play, originality of verse, verbal innovations in particular, including authorial phraseologisms. Signs of unconventionality and modernity exist in individual versification, poetry and stylistic techniques, which generally do not change the individual linguistic style, adding to it only new, modern colors. Appropriate stylistic figures, features of versification and a complex of cinematic features of A. Kychinskyi's poetic language create expression of his landscape descriptions. All this enhances the artist's expressiveness and gives them sincerity and frankness.

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