
The present research features a new biotechnological approach for complex processing of secondary cereal products. The approach makes it possible to obtain new functional foods and ingredients, such as carbohydrate-protein concentrate, dietary fiber concentrates, biologically active substances, polyphenols, and xylo-oligosaccharides. The complex biotechnology involves oat bran biotransformation and includes chemical, hydrothermal, and enzymatic methods of extraction, which allows manufacturers to obtain functional ingredients with antioxidant and prebiotic properties. The concentrates obtained as a result of the study contained a significant amount of protein, hydrolysis products of polysaccharides (glucose, maltodextrins), and free polyphenols. The experiment produced concentrates of biologically active substances containing xylo-oligosaccharides and phenolic compounds. The content of polyphenols was 67% of the total amount in oat bran, protein – 6.9%, carbohydrates – 80.7% xylo-oligosaccharides whith prebiotic properties 35.3%–71.5%, and ash 11.3%. The obtained data indicated a high antioxidant activity of polyphenol extracts. The differences in antioxidant activity between various methods of extraction are associated primarily with the completeness of extraction and the stability of the extracted phenolic compounds. Ultrasonic treatment proved beneficial for the extraction kinetics and the polyphenol yield at the initial stage, with an increase in antioxidant properties. As for the antioxidant activity of polyphenol concentrate during storage, the research did not reveal changes for 8 months at a temperature of 20 ± 1°C and a relative humidity of 70 ± 5%. The study of the growth dynamics of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifi obacterium bifi um in media containing xylo-oligosaccharide concentrate confirmed the presence of prebiotic properties and their selectivity. The accumulation of biomass of prebiotic cultures occurred faster with the use of nutrient media with the use of xylo-oligosaccharide concentrate and lactulose, as compared with milk. Thus, the research confirmed the feasibility of biotechnology for transforming oat bran into functional ingredients, which makes it possible to use them in new technological solutions for products with bifidogenic properties.


  • Biotechnological approaches for the production of functional foods and supplements from cereal raw materials / L

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Ферментативный метод

Пребиотики – неусваиваемые пищевые ингредиенты, способствующие пролиферации и адсорбции бифидо- и лактобактерий в кишечнике [4]. К ним относят лактулозу, лактосахарозу, галакто-, фрукто-, изомальтоолигосахариды, лизоцим, дрожжевые экстракты, низко-осахаренную кукурузную патоку, ячменно-солодовый экстракт, гидролизаты казеина и сывороточных белков, муцин, пантетин, лактоферрин и другие [5, 11]. Были проведены исследования пребиотической активности полученных экстрактов с помощью ферментативного гидролиза. Для установления пребиотических свойств были использованы штаммы микроорганизмов Lactobacillus acidophilus и Bifidobacterium bifidum. Представленным на рисунке 2, количество клеток L. acidophilus на среде с добавлением концентрата КОС составило 2,8 × 1011 КОЕ/см на 3 сутки культивирования. Этот показатель на Таблица 2 – Физико-химический состав концентратов БАВ Table 2 – Physical and chemical composition of biologically active concentrates

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