
This article is devoted to the current problems of the development of digitalization at enterprises of information and communication services in Ukraine, providing an assessment of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the integrative development of the ICT business. Recently, the sphere of information and communication technologies has been one of the most dynamic and developed types of economic activity in Ukraine. This market is a conductor of Ukraine’s entry into the global economic and information space. This, in turn, requires the adoption of balanced and justified management decisions and strategic directions of development, which should be based on clearly defined tasks and means of achieving them on the basis of the use of monitoring and diagnostic tools. It is defined that the development of enterprises of information and communication services of Ukraine is of strategic importance for the complementary development of all spheres of the economy of Ukraine and constitutes a platform for forcing and raising proactive business segments in general. The analysis of empirical analytical materials has made it possible to identify insufficient rates of digitalization of the Ukrainian economy compared to the rates of European countries and leading countries of the world, though domestic enterprises of telecommunication services demonstrate positive dynamics of performance results. This indicates a stable positive dynamics in the development of the information and communication sector of economic activity. It is found that the largest consumption of information and communication services occurs in the city of Kyiv, in Donetsk and Odesa regions. At the same time, digital technologies and IT products actively integrate only up to 30% of businesses into their activities. Still, the digital transformation of economic activity in the context of globalization is a key strategic task for the integrative development of enterprises.

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