
Analysis of the current state of education, its functions in the conditions of globalization processes and transformations taking place in the 21st century at the international level in general and within the states themselves give grounds for asserting a new understanding of the essence of education as an integral category and its functions in terms of the formation of a creative personality, its life activities, development of society and the state, further improvement of interstate relations, human civilization. Analyzing this problem, the author of the study claims that education is a cornerstone in the foundation of human activity, society, state, human civilization, that is, our existence. Today, it solves an urgent problem - the preservation of human civilization. The modern understanding of the role and functions of education is revealed through the prism of transformations in the conditions of globalization processes and the consolidation of this category in the legislation of Ukraine as a category of human life, social existence. Reforms and other tasks at the all-Ukrainian level today is both a big problem and a vital necessity, an even bigger problem - the practical implementation of the essence of education. Added to all this is the main problem - understanding the essence of education as a centripetal force, its functions for the civilizational development of humanity at the level of subjects of the educational process, parents, and especially at the level of state policy in the field of education, not only by adopting the relevant legislation, but also to realize responsibility for the actions taken, for its effective implementation, creating the material and technical base and conditions for teachers, increasing the authority of the teaching profession, its protection, as well as the selection in higher education institutions and the training of teachers from the best school graduates. Brownian motion is present here. The problem of a new understanding of the essence and functions of education in our time, although archival, is not fully realized at various levels and has not become a conviction of its importance. Therefore, when considering the pedagogical category of education as an integrated category, the category of human activity and social existence, many tangential problems arise that must be solved systematically and in a complex manner. At the same time, one should not forget the theoretical and methodological foundations of the sciences related to education, society, the state, and human rights as the greatest value.

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