
The article discusses individual properties and special features of large-scale projects (megaprojects) as objects of management in modern conditions. Categories for dividing megaprojects have been determined depending on the degree of state participation in their implementation and resource provision. It is shown that megaprojects with full or partial state participation under sanctions are the most important tool for comprehensively solving socially significant problems. It was revealed that a megaproject, as a rule, is formalized in the form of a long-term program and is carried out in the form of infrastructure measures. An analysis of the structure of cost sources for the implementation of Russia’s largest megaprojects with mixed participation was carried out. A list of strategic tasks solved by participants in megaprojects has been compiled. The key features of a megaproject with mixed participation as complex management objects are indicated. The main stakeholders of the project are considered. General forms and methods of budget financing implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation are proposed.

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