
<p><strong><em>The purpose </em></strong><em>of the study is to reveal the features of network communication as a factor in the formation of the autopoetic system of the Internet space.</em></p><p><strong><em>Research methodology</em></strong><strong><em>.</em></strong><em> </em><em>To achieve this goal, general scientific research methods were used: critical and analytical approaches – to highlight the state of the scientific problem and highlight the main directions of development of network communication; historical retrospective method – to study the logic of formation and development of concepts of social communication; conceptualization method – to clarify the content of the concept of network; formalization method – to determine the specifics and basic principles of typology of communication models. </em><em>Appeal to interdisciplinary research, which allows to involve the conceptual apparatus of mathematical and non-classical information theories and theories of complex systems.</em> <em>In this context, the study of the realities of the Internet reality can be transferred to the received texts of the current achievements of the technogenic world, such as N. Luhmann, E. Pickering, K. Knorr-Cetina, B. Latour, M. Castells, L. Memford, they became fundamental for the analysis of the nature of the technosocial class of objects similar to the Internet. Even more heuristic potential, in our opinion, can be the concept of autopoiesis by N. Luhmann, a kind of rethinking in his own line by U. Maturana and F. Varela.</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Results.</em></strong><em> The article analyzes the main models of network communication, substantiates the grounds for the typology of network interaction and describes its architecture in the context of the functioning of cyberspace. </em><em>The Internet is defined as an operationally closed structure that has the accumulative power of completely different systems (social and technological), its own border, as well as an autopoietic device that starts the process of self-reproduction in the form of superstructure of new floors of its own complexity. In this study, autopoiesis is an important concept because it allows us to identify the essential properties of the growing Internet space.</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Novelty.</em></strong><em> The scientific novelty is to deepen the understanding of the role of autopoiesis in network communication in the first place and the Internet space system in particular. For example, the functions and mechanisms of autopoiesis operation, the main factors of its activities in the Internet communication system were clarified.</em></p><p><strong><em>The practical significance</em></strong><em> of this lies in the fact that, as a kind of social reality, it builds the moderation of communicative processes in social systems. Like the theory of systems by N. Luhmann, the structures of the system are organized in a similar way, as if inspired for work and operations.</em></p><p><strong><em>Key words:</em></strong><em> merezhe communication, autopoiesis, self-organization of the Internet space.</em></p>

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