
With the development of media convergence process researchers have begun to speak on the modernization of journalism education and the need for training of cross-media trained journalists . However,theorist’s judgments often disagree with the opinions ofJournalism practitioners. Author in 2009-2016 spoke to reporters, editors and top managers of Russian media companies on topics related to the development of convergence process in Russian mass media newsrooms and asked them what skills and competencies modern journalist should have, as well as what is the future of journalism education. In total 40 people from more than 40 Russian media companies were interviewed for these years. This article presents the views of 6 respondents from 6 media companies. Among them are such well-known persons as Pavel Gusev, chief editor and owner of the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets”; Vladimir Taller, president of TVM Group, Academician of the Russian Academy of Radio (RAR).The author first makes an attempt to analyze the issue of journalistic competences in the conditions of media convergence, based on the views of practitioners from different media. We concluded that the common view of many theorists that convergence process is associated with the appearance of cross-media trained journalists and leads to numerous fundamentally new journalism competences does not find its confirmation in practice.

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