
Purpose. Process research of the parameters of the cave-in rock formation in roof of the 9th northern longwall of block #10 “Mines Control Pokrovske” Method. Numerical modeling of the volumetric stress-strain state (finite element method), the method of continuous media, the method of contact interaction of surfaces, analytical studies of the process of the formation of rock cave-in of the immediate roof. Results. The article presents the results of numerical modeling of the three-dimensional stress-strain state of a layered rock massif, with boundary conditions of contact interaction between rock layers and with the load of gravitational forces. The results of the grapho-analytical method of modeling the volume formation of fallout formation are presented on the example of working out the 9th northern bench of block No. 10 “PRAT Mine Management Pokrovske”. Calculated collapse parameters of the direct and main roof. The obtained parameters of fallout and their location. Scientific novelty The results of predicting the formation of cave-in rock the immediate roof of cleaning potholes using the volumetric stress-deformed state of a layered massif with the gravitational load of rock layers are presented. The results of predicting the formation of cave-in rock using the rock crack resistance criterion are presented. Practical significance. The practical significance lies in the method of predicting the processes of cave-in rock formation in the immediate roof during the working of coal seams and determining their parameters. The calculation process of numerical modeling of the step-by-step increase of the produced space gives a general picture of the state of rock layers above the produced space and their destruction zones, and determines the following measures to strengthen the roof in the coal face.

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