
The article deals with the use of hashing algorithms for information security in training students of the specialty "125 Cybersecurity" at the Kiev Boris Grinchenko University. The modern hashing algorithms that are widely used in modern digital technologies, in particular, in the tasks of ensuring information security of modern information and communication systems has been analyzes in the article. The need for a thorough study of hashing as a means of ensuring information security has been identified and substantiated. The paper has present a thorough and detailed analysis of typical security tasks involving hashing algorithms such as implementing structures to efficiently store large data sets; searching and storing data in databases; password protection in the authentication process; formation of electronic digital signature; control of integrity and authenticity of important files; digital blockchain technologies and creation of cryptocurrencies. The special programs offered in the form of applications and online services for calculating hash codes of a file or text have been reviewed and compared. Among the tools used to provide students with practical hashing skills are the use of CryptoAPI, Cryptography Next Generation, and Security.Cryptography .NET Framework cryptographic services. Basic cryptographic functions that implement hashing algorithms have been considered. Prospective directions of hashing research for introduction into the educational process have been defined, namely: fuzzy hashing, quantum hashing. The study concluded that the need for a theoretical and practical study of hashing throughout the training of information security professionals.

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