
The article analyzes the approaches to the study of legal culture that have developed in the scientific literature, the problem of subjectivity in the process of knowing its essence, the necessity and insufficiency of the existing formal-logical, rational understanding of legal culture, the significance of Hegel's idea of the truth about law is substantiated; I. Kant's ideas about the unity of reason, which differs only in its application; the ideas of K. Marx about the main short coming of the old materialism; ideas of B.N. Chicherin about the inadmissibility of turning abstract concepts into subjects of the historical process for a correct understanding of legal culture. The legal culture of the peoples of the Caucasus is considered as a process of becoming a free, responsible personality of a worker-creator, creator of material culture, a professional warrior, defender of its wisdom of the elder as an exponent of the spiritual and moral foundations that make up the humanitarian core of the Caucasian civilization, understood as a creative synthesis carried out by the peoples of the Caucasus in interaction with world civilizations.

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