
The purpose of the article is to determine the features and importance of social protection of police officers in the field of labor relations, to develop practical proposals and recommendations for improving its legal regulation, to conduct an analysis of the current legislation on the specified problems. The essence and legal nature of the concept of social protection of police officers have been studied. An analysis of the legislation regarding the features and importance of social protection of police officers was carried out. Taking into account the foreign experience of the implementation of guarantees of social protection of employees, conclusions were drawn regarding the need to improve the legal regulation of guarantees of social protection of the rights of police employees in Ukraine. The author notes that social protection plays a significant role in the science of labor law, and is one of the most widespread types of social rights. Social protection of police officers needs a detailed scientific study. Unfortunately, today, the needs of legal regulation of social relations, including the relations that arise during the service of police officers, are not fully reflected. The work of a policeman is irregular. In this connection, the problem of improving the legal framework designed to regulate the working hours of police officers is acute.

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