
The peculiarities of the attitude of the Czech Social Democratic Party to European integration and its formation of the European policy of the country are analyzed in the given article. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the Social Democrats' discourse is to abandon criticism of the European Union, and it is stressed that they see the benefits for each of the countries in the process of federalization and unification of Europe, because in their view the EU might be the only effective mechanism for solving not only national interests, but also a tool for solving global, humanitarian and economic problems. The author comes into a conclusion, that CSDP primarily regards the EU as a tool for growth and developmental equalization with leading countries. However, the author emphasizes that partially passive perception of reality is an important disadvantage of this discourse. Thus, despite the apparent flexibility of the position of Europeans, they might be blamed for the absence of a clearly defined ideological program for the protection of state sovereignty and national identity, which is a miscalculation given the globalization trends of the present.The author stresses that the Czech Social Democrats have strongly supported the Lisbon Treaty as it enhances transparency and decision-making at EU level. On the other hand, it is determined that, despite the approval and deepening of the European integration by the CSDP, its representatives have adversely affected the international image of the country, contributing to the fall of the national government in the midst of the presidency of the Czech Republic in the European Union. It is also emphasized on the inappropriateness of giving priority to one's political ambitions at a time when it may negatively affect the national interests of the state.is stressed that they see the benefits for each of the countries in the process of federalization and unification of Europe, because in their view the EU might be the only effective mechanism for solving not only national interests, but also a tool for solving global, humanitarian and economic problems. The author comes into a conclusion, that CSDP primarily regards the EU as a tool for growth and developmental equalization with leading countries. However, the author emphasizes that partially passive perception of reality is an important disadvantage of this discourse. Thus, despite the apparent flexibility of the position of Europeans, they might be blamed for the absence of a clearly defined ideological program for the protection of state sovereignty and national identity, which is a miscalculation given the globalization trends of the present.The author stresses that the Czech Social Democrats have strongly supported the Lisbon Treaty as it enhances transparency and decision-making at EU level. On the other hand, it is determined that, despite the approval and deepening of the European integration by the CSDP, its representatives have adversely affected the international image of the country, contributing to the fall of the national government in the midst of the presidency of the Czech Republic in the European Union. It is also emphasized on the inappropriateness of giving priority to one's political ambitions at a time when it may negatively affect the national interests of the state.


  • Автор наголошує, що чеські соціал-демократи рішуче підтримали Лісабонський договір, оскільки він посилює прозорість та ефективність прийняття рішень на рівні ЄС

  • У партійній програмі 2006 року Чеської соціал-демократичної партії (ЧСДП) наголошує, що піклуватиметься про те, щоб Чехія “в рамках Євросоюзу виступала за спрощення європейської правової системи, більш конкретне розподілення повноважень між ЄС та країнами-членами, посилення ролі європейського громадянства” [7]

  • Střednědoby program ČSSD – Lidskost proti sobectvi – prosperita pro všechny

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Що чеські соціал-демократи рішуче підтримали Лісабонський договір, оскільки він посилює прозорість та ефективність прийняття рішень на рівні ЄС. На особливу увагу заслуговує відношення ЧСДП до європейської інтеграції, адже саме ця партія поряд з ГДП є однією з двох провідних політичних сил в новітній чеській історії, неодноразово довкола неї формувалася урядова коаліція та реалізовувалася зовнішня політика держави.

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