
The technique for investigating isomeric states of nuclei with a large values of energy and total momentum created in the neutron capture reaction has been developed. The technique is based on the spectrometry of multiplicity, energy, and time of registration of instantaneous and delayed gamma cascades of isomer occupancy and decay, respectively. The technique was tested in measurements of the isomeric ratio of the 183W level with energy Eiz = 1.285 MeV with total moment Jπiz = 4-, 5- and lifetime Tiz = 8.2 μs in the neutron absorption reaction, which is equal to αiz = (4.7 ± 0.9)⋅10-3. At large values of the efficiency of registration of acts of settlement and decay of the isomer (0.6 - 0.8), the level of the corresponding background of the spectrometer is only 3.5⋅10-4 s-1. At the countable load at the spectrometer input ∼1.5⋅103 s-1, the expected sensitivity of determining the isomeric ratio in measurements with the mono isotope of the sample is αiz ∼(0.3 ± 1.0)⋅10-4.

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