
Based on the modern researches and opinion polls the article examines specific features of the tolerance phenomenon in the Swedish society social practice at the present stage. The relevance of this research is related to the gradual transformation of the concept and attention to this problem, determined by conditions of globalization and modernization processes. The significance and relevance of this concept for the Swedes national consciousness is underlined, which is confirmed by statistical data. The meaning of the tolerance concept in different linguistic consciousnesses is given, which provides an idea of the distinctive features and perception nuances of this concept in Sweden. Life in a multinational and multicultural society implies daily contact with another mentality, culture, values, which lead in some cases to aggression. Certainly, one of the limits of managing social life is legislation, but many controversial unregulated issues remain. The article shows the cases of the clash between various cultural and religious customs through the prism of the problem of changing the ethnic composition of European countries as a whole and reducing the level of tolerance as a reaction to the growth in number of migrants, in particular, representatives of the Islamic religion. A close connection thereto has the issue of social trust, the level of which demonstrates a downward trend among the local young population, the reason for which is just another religion. The Sweden's public figures points of view are cited, pointing to the characteristics of the Swedish mentality that impede the development of cultural diversity in the state and society. In this context attention is paid to what phenomena are recognized at the state level as manifestations of intolerance and do not meet the requirements of the tolerant thinking, as well as measures to struggle them are described.

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