
The article presents the arguments for the activation of one of the mechanisms proposed by the authors in previous issues of the journal to equalize the living standards of the population in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them. The state? Being in a symbiosis of liberal and dirigiste concepts of development, in the North, is forced to act as the main player in the market. In the long term, the main player is faced with the task of sustainable development of the living conditions of the population living in the North, because the real resource-based economy, after all, is the economy of a visible perspective, and not of future generations of Russians. The desire of people for comfort cannot be prevented and it is unlikely that it will be possible to increase the population in the North. The state needs to plan in the long run for today’s current population in the North. The determining factor in improving the living standards of the population in the North is the high-quality heat supply of utility, social and industrial facilities. Heat supply in the North is at the same time a factor in the rise in production costs. Its transition everywhere to equal conditions for the government to equalize tariffs for thermal energy to the average Russian level. Equalization of heat energy tariffs prior to this transition will create dependent conditions for consumers. The main brake on the transition is the lack of standards that fully take into account the loss of resistance to heat transfer by the enclosing structures of buildings and structures as they wear out. High specific energy costs for expenses with wear and tear of observers have the ability to prevent the installation of common house meters, respectively, the entire article about the beginning of the experience of rationing energy consumption by growth with depreciation in the area of responsibility of Sakha (Yakutia) and mass events to stimulate energy conservation.

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