
Peculiarities of formation and improvement of institutional bases and principals of management, regulation and supervision of innovation processes by state regulators of financial markets and international financial organizations in the banking sector of the leading countries of the world are investigated. The role, main tasks and functions and principals of supranational and national regulators in the field of regulatory, managerial, organizational, informational, technological and financial innovations in the financial services market of the leading countries of the world are determined. The peculiarities of interaction of national regulators with international financial organizations in the field of regulation and supervision of the financial services market, introduction of innovations and ensuring innovative development of the banking sector based on the use of fintech technologies are described. The main functions, tasks and principals of regulation, supervision and management of implementation and use of regulatory, managerial, organizational, informational and financial innovations in the activity of domestic banks are determined. The main problems that hinder the use of innovations in the banking sector of Ukraine at the present stage of financial system are described. It is analyzed and proposed the basic directions of solving the existing problems and perspective forms of regulatory, administrative, organizational, technological, information and financial innovations of the leading countries of the world which can be used by National bank of Ukraine in the course of regulation and supervision of activity of domestic banks in financial services market in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. In order to reduce the level of innovation risks and cyber threats, the expediency of financial institutions of Ukraine to use a new form of an organizational structure for managing innovation processes, based on the use of blockchain technology and decentralization of mechanisms of organization and management through active use of distributed registers and cloud technologies.

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