
The training of cynologists for the system of execution of punishments additionally involves the implementation of a number of educational activities aimed at developing practical skills in a cynologist who must use a service dog at a high professional level, and for this it is extremely important to have the necessary level of knowledge and skills. Methodological support for the training of cynologist with service dogs to perform the assigned tasks remains relevant. The article highlights the peculiarities of the staffing of service dogs in penitentiary institutions and remand detention centers of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine. Based on the analysis of the regulatory and legal framework for the implementation of cynology support for law enforcement agencies of Ukraine regarding the selection of service dogs for special service and experience, the criteria for the selection of service dogs for penitentiary institutions and remand detention centers of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine for training in the direction of the special service for the search for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances are proposed. The requirements for the cynologist are outlined, the list of material and technical support is indicated, and the mode and leader of the training classes are proposed. The essence and content of the method of development by cynologists of a behavioral reaction in dogs to obtain the desired object is revealed, which is based on the sequence of practicing exercises by a cynologist with a service dog in order to acquire the practical skills of a trainer to prepare a dog to search for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. In the context of the tasks defined by the normative documents of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine regarding professional training, the proposed separate aspects of the training of dog handlers with service dogs in penitentiary institutions and detention centers of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine will contribute to the effective training of cynology pairs by specialization in the educational institution of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine. Key words: selection, special dogs, penitentiary institutions, Department of Cynology, training, training of dogs.

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