
Kostant (also Kostantin) Jughayetsi is one of the key figures of New Julfa of the 17th century, a merchant, a scientist-monk, a pedagogue anda teacher of the school of the Surb Amenaprkich monastery. He is the author of the first Armenian trade textbook “Compendium” and the founder of the trade literature genre in the Armenian literature. He has written “The Art of Arithmetic”, “The Introduction to Arithmetic” and “Compendium”, which summarize the knowledge and experience gained over the years of his trade activities. Our article is devoted to the chronicle heritage of Kostant Jughayetsi, in particular, to the works included in his textbook “Compendium”: “Instruction for Newly Learned and Young Merchants, “Question and Answer”, “Read, Baby, Learn with Love”, “Glory to You, the Heavenly Father” and “Ayb is an Example for All”.One of the ancient copies of the “Compendium”, being in the book depository of the Surb Amenaprkich Monastery of New Julfa, is the subject of our research. The “Commercial Commandment” by Kostant Jughayetsi is a whole encyclopedia of the materials necessary for the trade business, which summarizes advice and knowledge related to this area. The remaining works mainly represent the samples of the medieval instructions of the secular and spiritual content. Although these works do not represent great artistic value, they contain valuable information about the everyday lifeof that time andsupplement the picture of the literary heritage of New Julfa, being an important source of the history of the Armenian pedagogy and bibliography.

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