
Introduction: the situation of sanctions and the formation of a new technological order require new sources and technologies for regional development. Digital transformation is a national goal, and the development of the country depends on the quality and pace of its implementation in the regions. Russia has developed and is implementing strategies for digital transformation in the regions; however, the search for new approaches to their improvement is relevant. A promising area of territorial development is the creation of regional ecosystems based on digital platforms. Objective: to analyze and summarize approaches to defining the digital ecosystem of the region, to identify its structural components as well as to consider the economic and social effects of introducing digital ecosystems in the regions. Methods: systematic and structural approaches, general scientific methods of cognition: analysis, comparison, logical reasoning, collection of facts, synthesis. Results: based on the analysis of approaches to the digital ecosystem of the region definition and the analysis of foreign and domestic experience in its building the following definition of the digital ecosystem of the region is proposed. This is a digital macro-environment for the interaction of citizens, businesses, and authorities, contributing to the stable and sustainable socio-economic development of the region by improving the quality of management decisions by organizing a mechanism for collecting and processing information about the region’s infrastructure in real time using end-to-end digital technologies. The study has identified the following structural components of the digital ecosystem of the region: end-to-end digital technologies, a digital platform, data, participants, network interactions, services, rights, and obligations of participants. The effectiveness of the digital ecosystem of the region is reflected in the reduction of operating costs for providing the digital infrastructure of the region, increasing regional budget revenues, and optimizing the budget of the region. Conclusions: building digital ecosystems at the level of the Russian Federation constituent entities is viewed as advisable. This process is strategically significant, as it provides tools for standardization of regional management and ensures the transition to the second and third stages of digital transformation of public administration. The practical feasibility of building digital ecosystems in specific regions and territories is based on their positive impact on the general condition, functioning and further development of socio-economic environment.

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