
This article explores the key factors and stages of children’s obtaining traditional values of family and society. The main objective of the research was to substantiate the thesis that the foundation, degree and quality of perception and assimilation of traditional values by a child are initially determined by the spiritual and material values prevailing in the family, as well as by the culture and psychology of the adults’ attitude towards children. It is known that both Russian and Uzbek families are heterogenous due to their belonging to a particular social stratum or class, since each family is influenced by the dynamics of not only society, but also of a particular stratum. The authors argue that a child’s set of values is formed through the prism of the existence emerging in his/her soul and determined by the contradictions in the process of socialization. In order for a child to better assimilate positive values, this existence needs to be softened. In fulfilling this task, a significant role is played by the educational qualities of parents and grandparents and their ability to establish trusting relationships, through which, according to C. Jung, the older generation would be able to gently and unobtrusively gain the child’s respect, admiration and love. Trying to win authority by giving presents or money will only damage the spiritual world of a child. The article concludes that to form a child’s set of values and turn him/her into a worthy person, it is important for the close relatives to show by example industry, discipline, independence, honesty and responsibility. The authors adhere to the positions of C. Jung and L.S. Vygotsky according to which school, being a subsequent stage of socialization, should be considered not only as an educational institution, but also as a logical step in the process of adopting traditional values by a child. In addition, it is argued that we need to develop courses for young parents where they would learn about the culture of family life and the psychology of child education.

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