
Ethno design as at teaching has deep roots in Ukrainian people’s lifestyle, which are an effective means for aesthetic, humanistic and national education of schoolchildren, this ethno cultural environment become particularly relevant during the development of the New Ukrainian school. Folk crafts vividly reflect and best preserve the traditional educational ideal of the Ukrainian people, which is contained in the works of decorative and applied art, available for students to perceive and understand. A decisive factor in the ethno-cultural and labor education of modern youth is various forms of their involvement in Ukrainian traditions and folk art, in particular, familiarization with the technologies of making Ukrainian folk toys, which occupy an important place in the upbringing and educational process of student youth. The knotted doll is a unique technology, because this type of folk art is an ethno design project that combines several types of traditional Ukrainian decorative and applied art. In the process of making a knotted doll, such authentic techniques as: ornaments from different ethnographic regions of Ukraine, traditional embroidery techniques, fabric dyeing with biological dyes, weaving, vybiyka (wood printing on fabric), beading, felting from wool, art ceramics, technologies for modeling artificial flowers from paper, fabric, wood shavings, creating wax headband accessories, ancient techniques and methods of tying head scarves and shawls, sewing and decorating head covers – are used. Among the variety of forms, methods and means of ethno design that contribute to the involvement of student youth in Ukrainian traditions, a number of simple and effective educational technologies have been identified and presented in our research, such as: museum-pedagogical activities, visits to cultural and artistic events, exhibitions of works of folk art, thematic exhibitions-presentations use of audio and video recordings from ethnographic expeditions, etc. Of particular importance in the popularization of folk art among young people is personal communication with the bearers of traditions in the format of creative meetings with masters of folk art, visits to master classes, personal exhibitions and workshops of folk masters. The described technologies of youth involvement in folk art affect the development of the cognitive and emotional sphere of the individual, his creative abilities, contribute to the creative and productive educational activities of students. Key words: ethno design; folk art; Ukrainian knotted doll; traditional technologies of making and decorating a folk doll; aesthetic, humanistic, national education of students; technologies for familiarizing young people with folk traditions.

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