
The purpose of the study is a retrospective analysis of the basic components of the relationship between the Russian idea and the identity of the Russian statehood. Methodological basis of the study: the author uses a combination of research methods, such as content and event analysis, the method of critical analysis, the method of discourse, the ascent from the abstract to the concrete; secondary analysis of sociological data; constructive-hermeneutical and structuralist methods. In the course of the study, the author relies on an interdisciplinary approach, which made it possible to draw on the achievements of political science, sociology, philosophy, and psychology for a comprehensive and in-depth consideration of the problem of the national idea. This study is also based on historical, value-normative, comparative, systemic, cultural, dialectical and sociological approaches. Research results make it possible to identify the specifics, value bases, correlation, and significance of the national idea and national doctrine in modern Russia. In order to understand the origins of these phenomena, attention is drawn to the study of the religious beliefs of the people. It is concluded that the concept of "Russian idea", having initially absorbed the religious beliefs of the people, was modified not only in the context of historical events, but by a change in ideological paradigms. It was the simultaneous understanding of one's own peculiarities, both at the level of identity and at the level of faith, love of freedom and awareness of political dependence that became the trigger mechanism for the transformational processes of the development of Russian statehood and the search for new ideological foundations for the development paradigm formation that justifies the historical right to political and territorial sovereignty.     Prospects for the study. The study is based on the assumption that at the present stage of development of the Russian state and society, there is a need for a national idea, and, despite a number of existing problems, there are certain prerequisites and prospects for its formation and subsequent implementation in the form of an integrative ideology, which, based on common values ​​and interests could become one of the important factors in the consolidation of Russian society, would set the general vector for the further development of the country, and determine its role and place in the world.  

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