
The use of high-quality seeds in the production process of cropgrowing is one of the main criteria for obtaining a good harvest. The research goal is to study the effect of pre-sowing seed treatment with biological preparations on barley yield formation under the conditions of the Altai Re-gion’s Ob River area. The research was carried out in 2019 and 2020 in the Altai Region’s Ob River area. The research target was the Vorsinskiy barley variety and the biological preparations used for pre-sowing seed treatment. The ex-periment included 10 variants; of those 4 variants using biological preparations obtained based on processed agri-cultural and woodworking wastes, and top peat processed by autohydrolysis-explosion. The control consisted in seed treatment with distilled water. The results obtained showed that the use of biological preparations in barley cultivation had a positive effect on the final result -crop yield. The average results over two years of testing showed a wide range of yield variations in the experiment variants. The yield values varied from 2.15 t ha in the Variant no. 8 to 2.82 t ha in the Variant no. 5; the control -2.60 t ha. The yield value in the Variant no. 5 with the use of top peat preparation was the maximum in the experiment. On aver-age, over two years of research, the variability in the vari-ants was from the medium of 10% < Cv < 20% in the Vari-ants no. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 to high Cv > 20% -Variants no. 6, 8, 9, 10. The maximum positive effect on the yield formation of the Vorsinskiy barley variety is exerted by pre-sowing seed treatment with the preparations based of plant residues (sunflower husk, oat chaff -Variants no. 3, 4), woodworking wastes (pine needles -Variant no. 2) and top peat (Variant no. 5) processed by autohydrolysis explosion.

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