
Multiword prepositions (MPs), such as по отношение на (with regard to), неза-висимо от (in spite of), are a relatively new addition to the Bulgarian lexical system. Although integrated in the fully-fledged standard variety of the language, descriptive grammars fail to offer a unified understanding of their nature. Some authors regard MPs as lexemes, members of the class of prepositions, while others treat them as phrasemes or ignore them altogether. There is no consensus with respect to the number of MPs or the representative patterns of word combination that constitute MPs, except for (p1) N p2 and Adv p. The discrepancies in defining the differentia specifica of this particular set of multiword expressions are not surprising, given the different stage of lexicalization (grammaticalization) and the variety of approaches applied to the study of MPs over time. This study aims at offering an overview of the evolution of the conceptual basis for the description of MPs in three types of resources: grammars, publications dealing with this subject and some of the major Bulgarian lexical resources. I pay special attention to the criteria related to lexicalization, which in most cases originate in the Russian grammatical tradition, or reflect some of the more recent achievements in computational linguistics.

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