
The purpose of research is to develop technology and equipment for the production of grain bread. The possibilities of using hulled bioactivated grains of wheat and barley in a 1 : 1 ratio as raw materials in the production of grain bread are considered. The work operation of peeling wheat and barley grain allows for 100 % purification of the grain from dust and mineral impurities, as well as removing the seed and fruit shells, which consist of pure silicon, which has no nutritional value for the human body. To develop new equipment for peeling wheat and barley grain, patent research was carried out, scientific and technical documentation was developed and a patent for the invention was received. To bioactivate wheat and barley grain, it was kept in a 1.8 % aqueous-alcoholic extract of reindeer antler powder at a temperature of 23.5–24.5 °C, which allows the grain mixture to swell and germinate within 14–16 hours to a sprout size of 0.5–0.6 mm. Grinding of the bioactivated grain mixture must be carried out to a diameter of crushed grain particles of 2–3 mm. In the process of developing the technological process for the production of grain bread, the quantitative composition of the recipe components was selected: drinking water, a solution of table salt, vegetable oil, crushed grain mass, a suspension of pressed baker's yeast and first-grade wheat flour. The developed technological process for the production of wheat and barley grain bread involves the preparation of raw materials and loading into the bowl of a dough mixing machine, where the components of the recipe are mixed and the dough is kneaded, then the kneaded dough is sent for fermentation, divi-ding into pieces, molding, proofing and baking. Based on research, technology and equipment for the production of wheat and barley grain bread were developed, inventions of the Russian Federation were obtained for a method of producing grain bread and technological equipment for peeling grain.

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