
Oblective of the study is to determine how extremist organizations manage the consciousness of individuals they recruit into their activities using mass communication media.     The methodological basis of the research consists of a systematic methodological approach used to analyze the cognitive-ideological matrices of individual consciousness, an information and communication methodological approach that allows us to consider the process of loosening and replacing nuclear ideologies of political consciousness with activated borderline ideologies that were previously in a de-actualized state, a subjective-personal methodological approach applied to reveal the process of the impact of extremist propaganda in recruiting new members.     Research results are presented by the conclusion about the role of activation of borderline ideologies by extremist propaganda in the process of reformatting the political consciousness of the individual, the conclusion about the role of Internet communication in the management of extremist organizations by the consciousness of social individuals, the conclusion about the radicalization of the political consciousness of the individual under the influence of extremist propaganda by means of Internet communication and its involvement in extremist and terrorist activities.     Prospects of the study unfold in the form of an analysis of the activities of specific extremist organizations, the development of methods to counter the propaganda of extremism and terrorism, the rehabilitation of a person subjected to the propaganda of extremism.

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