
The article offers a general approach to the problem of ensuring civilizational security as a function of political economic relations. The research logic of cognition of the interrelation of political economic relations and civilizational security is based on the analytical potential of such paired categories of dialectics as content and form, cause and effect, possibility and reality, general and special. The specification of interpretations of key concepts is carried out within the framework of the statistical-semasiological method of the study. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the interpretation of the essence of civilizational security and the characteristics of its three types, as well as in the development of general indicators for its assessing. Political economic relations as a source of inclusive, exclusive and extractive socio-cultural innovations are analyzed. The critical role of the state in ensuring the dynamic interrelation of socio-cultural traditions and innovations of the same name in strengthening the civilizational security of the country is substantiated. It is proposed to consider the unity of the level and quality of life of households as a system attractor that determines the degree of effectiveness of the relationship between political economic relations and civilizational security. The possibility of a «renaissance» of the theory of public choice and, within its framework, a «paradigm shift» towards methodological socioindividualism is characterized. The scientific and practical significance of the obtained results lies in the formation of a new discursive space with a subject «field» of the increasingly complex interrelation of value-semantic and socio-economic forms of human activity. The provisions and conclusions of the study can be used by the relevant public administration structures in developing a political economic model relevant to the imperatives of overcoming the civilizational crisis in our country and ensuring the security of the same name as necessary conditions for the successful integration of the domestic economy into the new world economic order.

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