
"Girlfriends", "Virgin Soil Newlyweds", "A Protracted Explanation", "New Settlers. From a Tent to a New House", "Day off", "Tractor Tent" — these and other works were created by the artist Dmitry Mochalsky during the thaw era, his small genre compositions of the war years were continued in the whole cycle of works "People of Virgin Lands". This stage in the artist's work is characterized by a free manner of painting, the discovery and revival of the traditions of color, coming from the masters of the beginning of the century. The main direction in the works of artists of the 1908s–1988s was the image of the simple man, in contrast to the heroic canvases of the "cult of personality" period, this was facilitated by the weakening of censorship and condemnation of many previous negative trends in art.

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