
The content of the article discloses the musical styles of songs of various genres of the regional tradition of the Podolkha village of the Prokhorov District of the Belgorod Region as a bright example of the traditional song culture of the Belgorod-Kursk territory of the basin of the Psyol River. This research disclosed the existence of calendar farming songs (spring, summer), which are characterized by a narrow range of sound, the simplest motor rhythmic patterns, laconic compositional structures and heterophonic texture. The integral and archaic qualities of the folksong tradition have been demonstrated by the broad circulation of karagods (a variety of round-dances, moving in circles with songs), tanki (moving in circles while singing songs and holding hands), “shirinki” (round dances with towels), original forms of “gulba” (folk festivities), and the developed male choreographic elements of “khozuny.” The wedding karagod songs are performed in fast tempos while dancing, have a common compositional structure and refrains with the words “aliley,” “lyoli-lyoli,” “ladu-ladu,” dushelmoya” [“my soul”]). In the texts of these genres there is a predominance of syllabic poetic structure, as well as a present of tunes with tonic verse. the range of the karagod, tanki and wedding songs is based on intervals of fourths and fifths. The ambitus (sound range of the mode) of the interval of the sixth present in some of the songs can be explained by a tertial superstructure of the top voice to the main voice. The melodic composition is realized by means of varied repetitions of one modal and intonational model. The singing model is strong and intense, as the result of which there exists the expression of “shouting” or “crying out” a song. Keywords: singing tradition, stylistic features, karagod, “tanok,” “gulba,” sound range, rhythmic patterns, compositional structure, heterophony.

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