
The ethnonym «kyrgyz» is widely spread on the Eurasian space. This ethnonym is often found both in toponymy, and in hydronyms, oronyms. Nomadic Kyrgyz have long been migrating, especially in the Middle Ages, and at the same time, they made a significant contribution to the historical and cultural appearance of other people of Central, Middle Asia and adjacent territories in the process of ethnic and cultural relations. As a result of the centuries-old migration processes and ethno-cultural relations in Northeast China (Heilongjiang province), Fuyu Kyrgyz people appeared. The original culture of the most Oriental representatives of the Turkic-speaking people of the world since the middle of the twentieth century has found a keen interest on the part of historians and ethnographers. In the scientific literature, this nationality is compactly residing in the county of Fu-yu (Heilongjiang province, China), known as fu-u or fu-yu. In the total number of not more than 1500 people, the Fu-Yun Kyrgyz people call themselves «Kyrgyz», «Hergase» or «Tirtiz» only. According to the anthropological type, the Fuyui Kyrgyz – unlike the neighboring people of the manjurs, Mongols, daurs, Evenks – are light-skinned and with European features. However, among them there are white-faced Kyrgyz with red or light chestnut hair (shatens). As for the economic order, the Fu-yu Kyrgyz are primarily cattlemen (large and small cattle). It has been proved by science that the language of the Fuyui Kyrgyz people entering the Turkic branch of languages has common roots with the modern languages of the Khakas and Shorians. In addition, it is very similar to the languages of sarahugur and lobnowortsev (Baskakov, 1980:199-208). The Kyrgyz of Fuyuu County are divided into six genera: Tabhyn, Tabindyr, Chigdyr, Sandyrdyr, Byltirdy, Kurtyr or Kargaster (Kyrgyz). Initially, the resettlement of the Yenisei Kyrgyz people to the modern territory of Mongolia, and further to Manchuria began in the Yuan era during the reign of Khubilai Khan. In between the war of Chingizids (mid-Asiatic Hajdu Khan and the Chinese Khubilai Khan) in the bloody struggle in the open spaces of Kara-Corum from both sides participated and Kyrgyz. Furrier cattle breeding was a traditional type of Fui-kyi farm. They kept horses, sheep, and cows. They engaged in hunting, on which they went on horseback accompanied by dogs. From the oral traditions it is known that the Fuyu kyrgyz began to grow grain since the middle of the 19th century. The dwelling of Fuyu Kyrgyz people in the past was a yurt, but approximately in the middle of the first half of the XIX century. began to move to stationary buildings. In the past, the Fyuju Kyrgyz people wore loose clothing with long sleeves and a belt. Women wore clothes with members of Kyrgyz society wearing fox hats. The winter wardrobe consisted mainly of leather clothes, mostly of sheepskin, while rich Kyrgyz wore fox fur coats. Traditional musical instruments are similar to Khakassian homys (stringed instrument) and hobrah (kind of flute).

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