
This study aims to cultivate students' awareness of democracy and civic engagement by incorporating the Bu-ma Democratic Protests as educational material in social studies. Despite the protests' significant role in our nation's democratic history, it has been somewhat overlooked in the curriculum. This study highlights the protests' historical significance and addresses gaps in the current curriculum through a program utilizing digital archives. This program educates elementary students about democracy's fundamental principles, civic responsibility, and social participation. It enables a deeper, more interactive understanding of historical events through the creation of historical maps. The integration of digital archives is anticipated to revolutionize social studies, with historical cartography enabling students to comprehend events in both spatial and chronological contexts. This method fosters a novel exploration of history, enhancing students' engagement in historical learning. The program's implementation has shown a positive effect on students' civic participation. Students began to view the protests not merely as a historical occurrence but as a manifestation of democratic progress through citizen involvement. This innovative approach to social studies deepens students' understanding of the interplay between history and democracy and encourages them to be proactive members of a democratic society. Integrating the Bu-ma Democratic Protests with contemporary teaching methods, this educational approach effectively communicates the value and significance of democracy, preparing students to comprehend and enact democracy as future citizens.

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