
The article is devoted to the topical problem of ensuring the economic security of organizations. The subject of research is the economic security of the enterprise. The author substantiates the need to ensure the economic security of the organization for its stable and sustainable development. The essence of economic security of economic entities is revealed as such a state of protection of the subject from internal and external factors, in which he most effectively uses his potential, while reducing or eliminating existing risks or other circumstances to protect against them and achieve the main goal commercial activity in a competitive market. A set of measures aimed at studying the internal and external adverse economic factors and risks. Thus, external threats include: lack of a clear concept, strategy and program of socio-economic development with realistically achievable goals or too populist in nature; permanent lag in development, inconsistency and imperfection of regulatory and legal support for economic regulation; too risky monetary policy of the state in the banking sector, in the stock and foreign exchange markets, inefficient tax system, etc. The internal factors of economic security of economic entities arising in the sphere of its economic activity include: violation of the regime of preservation of confidential information; selection of unreliable partners and investors; outflow of qualified personnel; inability to objectively assess the qualifications of staff and their competence; insufficient patent protection; significant miscalculations in tactical and strategic planning, associated with incorrect assessment of the company's capabilities, errors in forecasting the environment, etc. The main components of economic security of economic entities were considered. Different definitions of economic security of the organization based on different approaches are systematized. The concept of "economic security" is clarified and formulated.

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