
The Gangdong-gu Dream Smile project is an innovative initiative that was developed based on the input of residents in the community. The goal of the project is to support the healthy growth of children and address any gaps in care by providing a dedicated space for children and youth activities at senior centres after hours. This project is an excellent example of how private resources can be leveraged to create a child-friendly and healthy city.
 The project was developed with the active participation of local residents and the community. However, there were some challenges in securing facilities due to objections from the senior centres. Nevertheless, through extensive engagement and consultation, such as providing briefings to residents, improving the internal environment, and collecting feedback, the project was able to garner support from seniors, children’s Guild Movement Group, local child welfare experts and activists, and local residents. Additionally, the project established a user-led space for children and youth, which sets it apart from other facilities.
 Overall, the Gangdong-gu Dream Smile project is an excellent example of community-driven innovation that promotes healthy growth and wellbeing of children.
 The project’s success was made possible through collaboration and engagement with the local community, and it serves as a model for other communities looking to create child-friendly and healthy spaces.

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