
Western Modern Science is the main stream of Science Education in Korea. However, real life and other subjects are effected by traditional view of nature. It is needed understanding students and teachers` view of nature to construct correct scientific concepts and not to separate from real life. Koreans` view of nature has formed in the impact of changeable climate, mountainous land, agricultural society and Buddhism and shamanism. It was difficult to resist the natural environment and the view of nature was formed which respect for nature and adapt themselves to the nature. In the agricultural society, heaven and earth were important. One year period of cyclic life made them believe that nature was not created but opened by itself, and that nature itself is harmonious. Human being is not a special existence but a part of nature, and, according to shamans` myth, man have evolved from worms. Nature is not only the real world but also utopia, and an exit from the difficulties of reality. The Traditional view of nature, which sees nature as a self-regulating system such as creature, can be applied to the learning of the biology and ecology. In science class, it is necessary to understand nature and human life not only from the viewpoint of modern science but also in a holistic way.

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