
[Purpose] This study was to examine the research question of whether fitness enthusiasts give more importance to body shape attractiveness in potential spouse selection in comparison with fitness non-enthusiasts. [Methods] Chinese undergraduate students (N=705, Female=386) enrolled in three different universities voluntarily participated in this study. To investigate the relationship between regular fitness participation and an individual’s perceived importance in body shape attractiveness in potential spouse selection, we developed a survey questionnaire based on a ranking measure used by Buss & Barnes (1986) to assess preferences in human mate selection. [Results] The results revealed that male fitness enthusiasts ranked body shape attractiveness higher than fitness non-enthusiasts did. Such a preference in attractive body shape for potential spouse selection was observed in female respondents as well. [Conclusion] The findings of the present study suggest that having an attractive body is what fitness enthusiasts would place a higher value on than those who are less interested in fitness, regardless of gender.

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