
Helminthiases of animals represent a serious problem for livestock production, especially for farms with high concentration of livestock, cause to livestock production the significant economic damage determined by death of animals, depression of efficiency, rejection of the organs struck with parasites and deterioration of production. Solutions of problems of a chemotherapy and prophylaxis of helminthiases of animals are assumed by existence of anthelmintic agents which high efficiency and safety is proved according to modern demands. For this purpose a certain order of scientific research at various levels, the most important of which is preclinical assessment of efficiency and safety on the basis of the international standards and ensuring comparable quality of results of researches, has to be carried out. Preclinical studies are conducted, as a rule, on adequate laboratory models of animals that allows to solve a series of important theoretical and practical questions, to tap new effective and safe substances and to offer for approbation in clinical conditions optimum doses and schemes of use of anthelmintic drugs for veterinary use.

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