
The decision to introduce martial law becomes a kind of lever for changes in the state regulation of financial and economic processes. The introduction of martial law for the economy means an additional concentration of all existing financial and non-financial resources in the country on programs of financial and economic protection of the country. And it is absolutely logical to expect a review of the state budget, reduction of all programs aimed at non-defense purposes - medicine, education, increase of pensions, minimum wages, etc. It was noted that today the domestic economy is increasingly becoming one of the priority fronts, which will determine both the further course of military operations and the ability of our country to successfully rebuild after their end, the key to success is to a large extent the ability of managers at various levels to form effective and efficient strategic plans and ensure the effectiveness of their practical implementation, including the timely implementation of outlined applied tasks and management of financial and economic processes. But without adequate actions on the part of the authorities, which will consist in the implementation of appropriate instruments of economic policy, the significant potential of the post-war revival may be leveled. Considering the above, we can observe that the government has already urgently introduced a number of important regulatory innovations designed to reduce the fiscal burden on business and stimulate the development of small entrepreneurship. In addition, a certain liberalization of the legislation took place. The outlined measures for economic liberalization show that the government is clearly aware of the direct relationship that exists between the degree of economic freedom and the pace of economic development. Moreover, it should be noted and even emphasized that the initiated changes should not only continue, but also intensify in the post-war period. Therefore, it is already necessary to form a strategy for the post-war economic development of Ukraine, focused on its maximum deregulation and demonopolization. It is necessary to maintain and develop the initiated course to minimize the regulatory influence of power institutions on the operational functioning of the economy.

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