
This study defined anger as a conscious phenomenon and identified the sources of anger from a perceived perspective. Also, the study investigated whether an educational approach to anger would bring about any change in perception. Researcher analyzed the experiences of the students who attended a class, Educational Research, using empirical methodology. The class was offered by the Department of Education at Ewha Womans University from September 6 to December 20, 201 3. The c lass focused on the phenomenon of anger and the instructor required students to verify their consciousness of anger and analyze it to transform cognition. Study results are as follows. First, participants expressed anger instead of emotions such as displeasure, disappointment, depression, and regret. They used to deny and evade anger because of negative feelings, and they ascribed the cause of anger to parental child-rearing attitudes and social atmosphere. Second, participants realized that anger is caused by individual subjective interpretation and that subjective interpretation is based on irrational beliefs. They also realized that irrational beliefs influence their own self, relationship and their lives. Finally, participants understood anger as a part of life and not something to avoid. In addition, they figured out that they can choose how to respond to anger in a given situation. They experienced cognitive transformation not only of anger but also their own selves, lives, and relationships.

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